CrossClassify, adaptive MFA toolCrossClassify

Unlike some...

Our plans are simple, transparent, and affordable

Fraud detection using AI

No credit card required

Cloud intrusion detection system

All plans include a 6-month money-back guarantee

Intrusion detection system in cyber security

All plans include a 30-day free trial

More users with less risk: Get dynamic fraud prevention for your secure growth


Best for startups and small businesses with a single app



Up to 150,000 events1

Account opening protection2

Account takeover protection3

popular for app protection

Best for midsize businesses with multiple apps



For 2,000,000 monthly events1

Everything in Developer, plus:

Email support (24-hour response time)


Best for large businesses and high-volume apps

Custom pricing

Unlimited monthly events1

Everything in Professional, plus:

Mule account detection4

Phone support


Best for large businesses who require full control of their data

Custom pricing

Unlimited monthly events1

Everything in Growth, plus:


Single-tenant deployment

Frequently asked questions

A CrossClassify event is an activity reported by the CrossClassify mobile/web SDK, which can indicate a page view, a form interaction and similar units of user interaction with an app.
When a new user opens an account using stolen or false information, it is categorised as account opening fraud. CrossClassify monitors all user and device behaviour from the start, attempting to identify these fraud attempts.
Account takeover is a form of online identity theft in which criminals illegally access another person's account. CrossClassify analyses the history of behaviours, such as login attempts, in every account to report any suspicious activity.
The mule accounts are part of the network of transferring illicit money to criminals' pockets. CrossClassify monitors user data and behaviours as well as any changes in those to detect mule activity at each stage of the transaction.

See it in action,

no credit card required

To see how CrossClassify works, check out the lightning demo below.